Why You Haven’t Found True Happiness Yet
Happiness is something we all search for. In fact, people devote their entire lives to discovering the concept of ‘True Happiness’ and what it actually means to obtain it and what it looks like to have it.
The issue with that is; happiness is 100% objective. There is no one on this earth who has come before you or will come after you that will do and think 100% identical to you – which means that it’s up to you, and only you, to decide what your version of true happiness actual entails.
Most of us fall into two groups of what we think brings true happiness.
Group one is emotional stimulation.
For these people, happiness comes from relationships. They need the acceptance and love of others in order to feel it for themselves. This can be relationships with your family, friends, or significant others.
Group two is materialistic stimulation.
For these people, true happiness comes from wealth and/or power. They don’t need the acceptance of others to feel happiness, but they do need others around them so that they can feel superior in one way or another to achieve their feeling of contement. Whether it be simply having more than others, or having the ability to obtain what others cannot.
With these two groups, happiness can come to them but neither can achieve sustainable happiness.
Being 100% dependent on people or things that are temporary, which everything is, results in the constant need to adapt and change what we rely on to feel true happiness.
The real reason we haven’t found what our version of true happiness is because we cut corners emotionally. We feel an emotion like sadness or anger, and instead of processing why we are feeling this way, we fight our way out of it as fast as possible to get back to normalcy.
The main point in finding true happiness is that you have to have the dark to know what the light is. Without accepting this, we fall into a cycle of needing temporary satisfaction that only get’s us so far. If you don’t learn from it, you don’t move on. If you don’t move on, you don’t grow. Without growth, we don’t evolve as beings and the feeling of happiness falls to the waist side as we try to just survive from one moment to the next.
Life shouldn’t be about surviving; it should be about thriving. We have to invest in ourselves emotionally to be able to find what our own true happiness looks like. Make sure you don’t rob yourself of your experience on this earth. We each get one, very short, life to live. Feel every part of it and enjoy the good, the bad, and everything in between.
That’s when you’ll find your true and utter happiness.