Personal Growth

Jump – Even When You Don’t Feel Prepared

Every time life gives us a challenge, we freeze. We feel ourselves pull back to what we thought we wanted and try to make it work. Wouldn’t it be beautiful if we took all the loss, hardships, and unexpected moments on with a new mindset? Instead of letting it hollow us out and turn us around to look at the way we already came, we should be looking at this new path with hope and excitement. 

Every single challenge in your life has changed you. Every sad thing that has happened to you has made you stronger. Years and years of this have still not effected us enough to change our mindset to where it needs to be. All those things were necessary, but we still fight it every time it comes.

We go through so many transitions in a single year, let alone in our entire lives. Your 20s are the ‘growing into’ phase that shape who you will be. That’s why your 30s are supposed to be the best years of your life. You know who you are and accept where you’re at knowing it’s the right place for you to be.

You need to let go of the people and things that hurt you and start using them to develop you into the person you need to be, because that’s all they were ever in your life for anyways. I think we take a look back and think of all the things we wanted to work out that didn’t, and consider them failures when they simply aren’t. You put too much weight into things and people that weren’t yours to begin with. 

All of those things that hurt you were because you were holding onto something and trying to make it fit into your life when it’s wasn’t supposed to. 

We need to look at everything that doesn’t work out as a new opening for something that will. You can’t have places in your heart already filled with all the wrong things and people and wonder why the right ones haven’t found their way to you yet. The relationship you have been holding onto, the friendships that have overstayed their welcome, and the person your subconscious has been trying to push out to make you into who you need to be, are all taking up spaces that have to be open for the correct things on it’s way to you. 

We feel so lonely and defeated in this transition stage because we decided that we knew what was best. We thought we saw what was coming next. In reality, nothing ever really works out the way we thought. Every heartbreak that happened to you was to get you away from something that was going to hurt you eventually. 

The sooner we see that, the better. If you feel like so much is always going wrong in your life, it’s because you’re fighting the inevitable. You’re holding onto things that you know aren’t actually going to work. You’re letting the wrong people stay in your life and resisting the right ones because they weren’t what we thought we wanted. 

I think we subconsciously know when something starts if it’s going to work out to not, but the pride in our human existence is too great to humble itself into accepting that we don’t know what’s best for ourselves. 

One relationship in your life will be your forever one. One friendship will be the best one you’ve ever had. All the ones up until this point that didn’t work out, weren’t it. You have one future and one life to look back on. When you constantly try to go back to the things that didn’t work, you’re choosing the same result. You’re choosing to keep yourself in the past and not grow into your future.

Stop doing this to yourself and then crying wondering why the world is so terrible to you. It’s not, you’re being terrible to yourself. You are holding onto toxic things and people and refusing to let yourself grow out of what doesn’t change you, and into what does. 

When life gives you the next chapter, don’t stop and look back. Jump. Jump with every part of yourself. Free yourself from the cage you are locking yourself in. Take these things on as they come and know that it’s leading you closer to where you need to be. If we don’t do this, we will always stay the same. We will always be hurt by the same people that are not meant for us. We will always want more and never actually go get it. 

Jump when you’re not prepared and see your life change into what you didn’t see coming. Those are the most beautiful times in our lives and if we can run towards it at full speed, that happiness you crave so badly will be waiting for you with open arms and ready to take you to the life you are meant to live. The view before you trust the fall is always the most worth while.